FAQ – Desjardins Group – Code of Ethics
Ethics are a set of values that serve to regulate behaviour to ensure harmony between people.
Ethics appeal to a person's sense of duty. A code of ethics is a group of rules adopted by an organization. They provide guidelines for the conduct of directors and employees and they draw the line between what is and isn't permitted. Violation of the code may engender sanctions.
A code of ethics appeals to personal values rather than duty. In a given situation, a decision is made after reflecting on the positive or negative consequences of an action for yourself, for another person and for your environment. This is done in consideration of the organizational values and is a matter of making the best choice under the circumstances. The objective is for people to develop their ability to make responsible decisions.
To find out more, see the Desjardins Code of Professional Conduct.
To find out more, see the Desjardins Code of Professional Conduct.
Since the first caisses were established in 1900, their founder, Alphonse Desjardins, set the tone by instituting a board of supervision responsible for ensuring that officers and employees did their work in an appropriate and honest fashion.
In 1989, the caisse network put in place an explicit code of ethics. Thereafter, most of the other Group components adopted their own code of ethics. A few years later, a code with a section common to all components was adopted. In 2013, the Desjardins Code of Professional Conduct came into effect for all components.
To find out more, see the Desjardins Code of Professional Conduct.
Desjardins has adopted the values of the International Co-operative Alliance:
- Self-help, self-responsibility and responsibility for others.
- Democracy.
- Equality.
- Equity.
- Solidarity.
- Ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.
Moreover, Desjardins has adopted permanent organizational values:
- Money at the service of human development.
- Personal commitment.
- Democratic action.
- Integrity and rigour.
- Solidarity with the community.
- Inter-cooperation.
Based on these cooperative and permanent values, Desjardins has issued fundamental principles to frame its Code of Professional Conduct:
- Respect for people (including respect for their diversity).
- Respect for the common interest and the common good.
- Respect for the organization.
Find out more about Desjardins's mission, values and priorities.
To find out more, see the Desjardins Code of Professional Conduct.
Each Desjardins Group component is responsible for ensuring respect for the Code of Professional Conduct.
The responsible body evaluates situations that are brought to its attention with respect to values, principles or the rules of the Code. Any violation, as well as any hindrance to the Board's activities, may result in sanctions or disciplinary measures, depending on the seriousness of the situation and the resulting consequences.
To find out more, see the Desjardins Code of Professional Conduct.
To find out more, see the Desjardins Code of Professional Conduct.
To find out more, see the Desjardins Code of Professional Conduct.
To find out more, see the Desjardins Code of Professional Conduct.
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