Why insure your loan if you're young and healthy?

Why insure your loan if you're young and healthy? (0 min 30 s)

Added on July 23, 2021

Even if you're young and healthy, you might find yourself facing the unexpected. Loan insurance gives you peace of mind so you can focus on your recovery without having to worry about making your mortgage payments in the event of disability.

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Why insure your loan if you're young and healthy? (0 min 30 s)

Added on July 23, 2021 | Personal

Note: The information in brackets describes the audio and visual content of the video that is not dialogue or narration.

[Background music]

[An apartment building is visible. The Desjardins chevron appears like a roof over the building. A moving truck pulls up in front.]

[On-screen text: Why insure your loan if you're young and healthy?]

Man: We're also thinking of buying soon … I'm wondering, did you two get loan insurance?

[The moving truck starts back up and leaves. A house appears with a "Sold" sign out front.]

Woman: We did! We got it when we signed the mortgage.

[A signature line with a signature appears under the house.]

Man: But aren't you a bit young for that kind of insurance?

[The house disappears. A box marked "Fragile" appears with 2 wine glasses sitting alongside it. A third glass comes out of the box and cracks.]

Woman: Remember I was off work for 6 months last year?

[The cracked glass goes back in the box. A Russian doll comes out and falls on the ground. The doll opens and a dollar coin rolls across the bottom of the screen.]

Woman: We hadn't bought the house yet, but if I'd had to make mortgage payments while I was recovering, I don't know how my girlfriend and I would have made it financially.

[The coin rolls across the bottom of the screen and then falls in a coin slot.]

[On-screen text: Keep up your mortgage payments]

[A first aid kit appears on the screen.]

[On-screen text: Prioritize your recovery]

[The house the couple purchased appears on the screen again.]

Man: Yeah, good point.

Woman: So … insuring my loan gives everyone peace of mind. Starting with me.

[On-screen text: Desjardins Loan Insurance: For you and those you love]

[Background music: Desjardins jingle]

[On-screen logo: Desjardins]

[On-screen text: desjardins.com/loan-insurance]

End of transcript