Personal loan
Make your projects a reality with an easy-to-manage personal loan. Book an appointment on AccèsD to apply for a loan if you’re a member.
Not a member? Call us at 1-866-647-5013 This link opens your phone app. to book an appointment.
Amount available
Amount granted is determined by:
- Your payment capacity
- The amount of financing required
- The useful life of the financed product (in certain cases)
Interest rate
- Fixed or variable
- Based on the loan amount, term and credit history
Fixed rate
Choose a fixed interest rate if you’re cautious and sensitive to rate fluctuations. A fixed rate is:
- Guaranteed for the duration of the term
- Predictable
- Easy to manage
You can switch to a variable rate at any time without fee or penalty.
Variable rate
Choose a variable interest rate if you can tolerate risk and are not as sensitive to rate fluctuations. A variable rate:
- Follows market fluctuations
- Is advantageous when rates are stable or falling
- Is generally lower than the current fixed rate
When rates drop, your payment amount remains the same, but the duration of the loan may decrease.
You can switch to a fixed rate at any time without fee or penalty. Your interest rate will equal the fixed rate in effect at the time you switch.
Flexible terms
- Payments can be made every week, every 2 weeks or every month
- Payments can be withdrawn automatically from your account
- Loan can be repaid in part or in full, at any time, without penalty
Make an appointment for a personal loan
By phone
Montreal area:
514-253-6473 This link opens your phone app.
Elsewhere in Canada and the US:
1-866-647-5013 This link opens your phone app.